Mc’GIS KENYA GEOSYSTEMS LTD. is a brain child of the principal and founding partner Mr. Ochieng’ Mc’Okeyo. It was conceived in 2012 and delivered as a Sole proprietor entity in 2013. In 2014, the company was incorporated into a Limited Liability company; it has since established its niche and has grown to be a full-service provider of Geospatial and Digital Mapping solutions; Geomatic and Land Survey services; Geoinformation Technology and Geographic Information Systems solutions; And Environmental and Physical Planning services.
Our Vision is to be the leading and most trusted provider of Geospatial and Digital Mapping solutions; and to be the best company to work with and/or for, in Kenya.
Our mission is to make a positive impact to the people of Kenya and Africa as a whole in whatever that we do and to proactively provide geospatial solutions.
Our goal is to satisfy the geospatial needs of our clients and the country; and to promulgate sustainable development in our practice.
The company has nurtured a culture that is centered in the TRUE core values:
• T – Transparency
• R – Rationality
• U – Uniqueness
• E – Excellence
We are TRUE to our course.
Mr. Ochieng’ Mc’ Okeyo is the founder and Managing Director of Mc’GIS Kenya Geosystems Ltd. He is a hands-on practitioner and educator in the field of Geomatics and Geospatial sciences. He holds a Master of Science degree in Geoinformatics from the prestigious International Training Centre for Aerial Survey (ITC), now the Faculty of Geo-Information Science and Earth Observation at the University of Twente – Netherlands, and a Bachelor of Science degree in Geography (Hons) from Egerton University. With over 12 years of overall experience, and as the Managing Director at Mc’GIS Kenya Geosystems Ltd., Mr. Mc’Okeyo has been at the fore front of the Geomatics industry by leading several consortiums to meet their assignment objectives. Mr. Mc’Okeyo is an astute Digital Mapping and GIS expert who has specialized in Spatial Data acquisition, handling, manipulation and management. Over the years, Mr. Mc’Okeyo has taken a leading role in an array of works including Digital Photogrammetric Topographical Mapping for the preparation of Integrated Urban Strategic Development Plans for Nakuru, Naivasha and Nyeri under the Kenya Municipal Programme (KMP) sponsored by the World Bank; Ten (10) select towns in Wajir County; Ten (10) select towns in Elgeyo Marakwet County; Meru town and Eight (8) select towns in Meru County, all under respective counties towards establishing development plans between 2015 to 2025. In addition, Mr. Mc’Okeyo has been engaged as Technical Operations Manager and Projects Director in Engineering Survey works involving Digital Photogrammetric mapping of Class A and B road reserves, as well as pipeline way leaves. He has extensive knowledge and experience in cadastral mapping and surveys as well. At the onset of his career, Mr. Mc’Okeyo is hailed to have sensitized a number of Survey firms on the need of integrating and implementing GIS in daily work flows. In his Five (5) years stint in the School of Survey and Spatial Sciences at the Technical University of Kenya, Mr. Mc’Okeyo guided a budding generation of Spatial Scientists and Land Surveyors. Formidable partnerships and ventures also sprouted in this turf with the professional and working students who sought to further and/or diversify their education.
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